Walter Mitty Syndrome


"To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life" - The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty  

The Walter Mitty syndrome is a term used to describe a daydreaming or escapist behavior where a person may indulge in elaborate fantasies, often to escape the monotony or dissatisfaction of their daily life. Do not mistake the term for a clinical or medical diagnosis. It is not a disorder either. It is only a colloquial term. It comes from James Thurber's short story 'The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty' in which the main character Walter Mitty frequently daydreams about being in adventurous, heroic situations.    

I have not read the book. I came across the movie first. Watching The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty was a treat for the eyes. It is a well-crafted movie that subtly conveys multiple messages. The scene where Walter Mitty (Ben Stiller) skateboards down a hill in Iceland lives in my head rent free. It is undoubtedly the best scene of the movie.   

Walter Mitty spends more time in his head than in real life. His absent mindedness causes him to miss out on some important information and opportunities. Does this absent-mindedness come from ignorance of the world or is it a way to escape the ordinary? Walter Mitty daydreams to escape the reality, not out of ignorance of the world. He is aware of the world and does his duties well, although he is dissatisfied with it. His daydreams are a portal to a world where his life is amazing and full of exciting experiences. He is both a romantic and an escapist. 

"Lately, I have been wondering if there is time left for daydreaming in this 21-st century world of constant communication. Or are we held hostage by our fascination and focus on small, lighted screens seemingly glued to the palms of our hands?" - James Thurber. It takes an optimal amount of courage to live in the real world, especially in today's world. That's precisely why people turn to their phones, to live in their perfect worlds. It is a way of escaping the harsh realities of life. 

Walter Mitty's daydreams help him escape his ordinary life, but in the end, he learns that he is capable of achieving those dreams in reality. His entire attitude towards life changes. The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty is a reminder to live life to the fullest, to appreciate the beauty of the world around us, to take risks and pursue our passions because life is too short to waste on monotonous duties or unnecessary worries.     

Therefore, like James Thurber said, "Live life by the ABCs...adventure, bravery, creativity." 

This post is a part of #BlogChatterA2Z 2023.
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Next post: X'mas


  1. Little bit of Walter Mitty will do good, I guess.

  2. Do we live in a reality? Or is it just our perception of the reality? Albert Einstein once quipped, "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." Even when not day dreaming, do we see the true nature of things. So like in inception we live in a dream within an elaborate illusion and the layers keep on adding up.

    Just my crazy thoughts.... 😁😁😁


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