
♪ മാവേലി നാടു വാണീടും കാലം മാനുഷരെല്ലാരുമൊന്നു പോലേ ആമോദത്തോടെ വസിക്കും കാലം ആപത്തംഗാർക്കുമൊട്ടില്ല താനും കള്ളവുമില്ല ചതിയുമില്ലാ എള്ളോളമില്ലാ പൊളി വചനം ♪ Onam is the official festival of Kerala, celebrated in remembrance of king Mahabali and his prosperous reign in the state. It is a rice-harvest festival commemorated by Malayalis around the world with much zest and fervor. The carnival of Onam, which spans a duration of 10 days stands as a hallmark of Kerala's culture and tradition. I'm not particularly inclined towards the grand festivities of Onam. I'm more interested in watching people have fun adorned in varieties of sarees, mundus, pattupavadas and kuppivalas(glass bangles). It surely is a feast to the eyes as sadya is to the belly. The ethereal scent of mullapoo(jasmine) enhances the beauty of the festival. People unite in the lively colors of the Athapookalam, and the spark of celebration shines on their faces. Everything and everybody look gracious with a light d...