I'll Be Happy If I Trip Over Those Fairy Lights

Have you noticed that when you are in a good mood, you are not annoyed by anything? On the other hand, if you are sad or angry, you burst out at even the silliest things?

There used to be a time in my life when I used to get mad at every single thing. I used to shout and yell at people over trivial matters, which caused them harm. I had a knack for creating scenes over insignificant issues. In short, I was a drama queen. I guess most teenagers go through this crazy phase of life. But in time, I changed. Life made me change. 
I changed into a person who values little things and appreciates all that God has given. Now, I am not boasting here. I have my flaws.
I do have occasional bits of anger. But it has gotten a lot better now. I have begun counting my blessings, instead of complaining. I have learned to love life and its twisted ways. Right now, as of where I am mentally, I couldn't be prouder of myself.

Last night, I came across an old picture of a house belonging to a family member. There were fairy lights all over the sitting-out area. I inadvertently thought what it would be like if I tripped over those light extensions. Given my current self, I know I'd have smiled. The smile wouldn't have anything to do with a good mood or having a happy day. It'd just be an honest, genuine smile reflecting on my carelessness. Unless, of course, I have a terrible fall and hurt myself. I love this new unfiltered version of me. I feel that I am now the most evolved version of myself. 

P.S: I don't think I'd have ever written this if it wasn't for #BlogChatterA2Z. Admitting this out loud wasn't easy. So, thank you BlogChatter. Your tagline, 'Let's talk about you' really resonates with me now that I have shared the most profound aspects about my being. 

This post is a part of #BlogChatterA2Z 2023.
Previous post: Home


  1. That's a phase in life where you are at battle with everything. Desire is the cause of suffering. It's just that our expectations and realities of the world does not align at that point. But later we learn to navigate through the tempest of life. Speaking from my experiences and my views. Philosophy has been my solace through this phase.

    1. As bad as it was, the crazy phase played a vital role in my personal growth.

  2. How wonderful that you're in a better place right now :)


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