Elephant Kraal


Konni is a town located in the Pathanamthitta district of Kerala, India. Konni is famous for its elephant cages that are used to house elephants. It is known as 'aanakoodu' or 'the palace of elephants'. 


I happened to visit the Elephant Kraal of Konni while I was at my aunt's for a vacation in Pathanamthitta. It is home to a number of elephants, the state animal of Kerala. It is also a research center that aims at protecting and preserving elephant populations in the area. Kerala holds the largest population of wild elephants in India.  

The reserve had a museum and a park. There was a display of various animal artifacts and information on their evolutionary history. The visitors could rest under the shade of the trees enjoying a cool breeze after visiting the museum. The place was a rich showcase of the culture and tradition of Kerala.   

What makes it special for me, however, was the elephant safari my brother and I had. I was scared to death before mounting on the elephant. But the mahout calmed me down saying Amini was sweet and friendly and that she loved humans. Soon enough, I started enjoying the ride. Amini went at a slow pace, and it was comfy sitting on her back. At a point, she stopped to lift her trunk. I was terrified by her trumpeting and even squealed a bit. I remember patting Amini on her head and wondering at her might.


We also met Guruvayoor Padmanabhan and some other elephants whose names I forgot.  

Overall, it was a unique and wonderful experience, and a memory to cherish for a lifetime. I will never forget beautiful Amini and the cute little baby elephants I met. This place is worth a visit for anyone interested in the history of elephants in Kerala. If you love elephant rides, it's even better and definitely worth multiple visits. 


This post is a part of #BlogChatterA2Z 2023.

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Next post: Finding Emeralds


  1. Live a life you'll remember, your heart will live for the younger days. It seems like you hate travels but you like the destinations, don't you?

  2. Well written. I love being in Kerala.


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