

"Ugh, what a mess! How do I clean this up? Where do I start? I have no time." 

Tangled earphones are to be untangled from time-to-time to ensure their proper functioning. Tangled thoughts are to be untangled from time-to-time to ensure OUR proper functioning. If only our thoughts were as simple as earphones!

A while back, I was in a state of turmoil, my thoughts scattered all over the place. I did not know how to pick it all up. I was scared because I was not sure if I would be able to finish gathering all the parts, and that it'd be too late. I'd end up being stuck in an eternal mess, so vast, that I wouldn't be able to see the door out. But then, one day, a cute little boy with yellow hair and black whiskers opened the door and let his hand out for me. He did not collect the lost parts, that's something I would have to do on my own. Instead, he raised my spirit and told me what to do. He walked with me by my side and suddenly I knew where to start. 

There are only a handful of things in life that can truly motivate you to do your stuff. For someone who already feels lost, it's not easy to simply rise and start moving forward. I believed 'motivation' was fleeting until I saw Naruto. It's impossible to watch Naruto and remain idle. Motivation and Naruto go hand in hand. 

Naruto reminds you of the power of believing in yourself and of never giving up. When you see the mighty things the 12-year-old kid and his friends do, and the powerful things they say, a wildfire like the spirit of the 'nine-tailed-fox' begins to burn inside you that inspires you to do your absolute best. You get lightened up like 'chidori' and feel this new sense of self-empowerment.  

"The power of believing in oneself - that becomes the power to change destiny. I've failed the Ninja Academy graduation exam 3 times. As luck would have it, the Ninjutsu tests that appeared for the exam, were always infallibly the Ninjutsu I stunk at. Shadow Clone Jutsu was the one I stunk at. And so, I mastered it. So don't be whining about boring stuff like destiny and what not, and how it can't be changed! Even a bird who gets caught, once it learns how, will open the lid of its basket with its own beak. Overcome your own fate. Fate is something you can work out with your hands." - Naruto

I am writing this midway through the 100th episode of Naruto. I have a long journey ahead, but I know for a fact that if I were to ever feel down, Naruto is what I'd turn to. 


This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2023.
Previous post: Kite-flying
Next post: A Familiar Ache


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