Summertime Sadness


How many of you feel sad when the school closes for summer holidays, but then feel sad again, when the school reopens?

I'm presently on summer break from my second year of college. Thank goodness we don't have vacation classes because the heat would have killed us. I am having so much fun this vacation, thanks to #BlogChatterA2Z. I have also begun taking guitar classes and bought a guitar recently. Learning to play a new instrument is the best way to refresh your soul. Although it's the hottest summer ever, I feel cool on the inside.

All of my summer vacations would either include me doing absolutely nothing at home or going to cousins'/friends' homes. There have been summer vacations with trips too. I am not a particular fan of summer; winter is my favorite season. What I do love about summer is that it brings mangoes along with it. My house is surrounded by mango trees, and on summer, the gardens would be filled with mangoes. On the months of April and May, breakfast would consist of chapati and mangoes. The combination sounds odd, doesn't it? But I assure you nothing tastes better. Do give it a try. 

Summer holidays are a time for soul-searching. Most of the times, you don't even have to do anything. Just spending a lot of time alone, helps you learn a lot about yourself, knowingly or unknowingly. It is also a time for new experiences. Let me share a very fun experience I had last week. 

Last Saturday, I watched an anime movie titled Suzume. It was my first time watching an anime movie on the big screen. It was an unforgettable theatre experience. The audience was hyped up before the movie even began. They started calling out anime references like 'Yowai mo', 'Ara ara', 'Dattebayo' and character names like 'Eren Yeager'. I had goosebumps all over my body. As for the movie, it was yet another Makoto Shinkai masterpiece. The entire audience clapped after the movie. 

I am already sad that April is coming to an end. May will be over in the blink of an eye, and I'll have to go to college again. Thinking of times when I didn't even have summer holidays due to exams or special classes, this vacation is going smooth like butter, and being able to write about it makes it much better. I feel like I may have grown a special liking for summer this year. 

This post is a part of  #BlogChatterA2Z 2023.
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