

I chase the drowning sun,
Why do you run away from me?
Have I not praised you enough?  
Where do you set off to
leaving me stranded 
in this ineluctable pit of darkness
that you call the night?

Is it a daily reminder 
of who I am? 
Of what my interior looks like? 
A broken heart
and its shattered pieces. 
Like the crescent moon
and its adjacent stars.

Perhaps it is you
crying for help.
Showing me
your other side.
Telling me 
we are the same.

What else could it be?
The night is nothing more than 
a shadow
of your never-ending light.
The moon can never be 
as radiant as you.
It needs you 
to stay alive
as much as I need you
to feel alive.

So stay.
I need your light.
I need you. 
I'll sing songs for you.
The night is a nightmare,
far beyond repair.

and we'll shine together
so bright
that time bows before us
for infinity to come.

This post is a part of #BlogChatterA2Z 2023.
Previous post: My Mango Tree

Top post on Blogchatter


  1. The cry for light as the shadows of darkness lengthen. A good one.

  2. Some nights are more heartier than the days. Some shadows beautiful than the glowing lights.

  3. The song of a broken heart? There's anguish in the lines.

  4. Interestingly, this reminded me of horror movies - how the darkness usually signals the beginning of nefarious activities. The pain is quite evident in the lines.


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