
Showing posts from April, 2022


Airplane Mode On

Isn't it lovely how certain things remind you of an old time, an old place? I am on my bed. I look outside my window, I stare into the vast, infinite, indefinite sky, that is my mind. It is starred with every single one of my thoughts. Or should I say, scarred?  Amidst all the darkness, I see an airplane. It takes me back to an old time as it passes by. I remember looking at airplanes from outside my cousin's window at Pune. Planes flying over ten thousands of flats. The night sky spread before me, like my life; filled with possibilities and opportunities. The warmth of being surrounded by loved ones and the stars reminding me of the ones I lost on the way. The gratefulness I feel in having a home, a bed to be comfy in, a family to tuck me in and God to lead me on. The planes now fly over my home. The night sky still spread before me with everything life has to offer. The fear of an unknown tomorrow, tingling my spine.  How far have I come? How much have I grown in three years...